Mortgages for Seafarers
As a seafarer, you might spend half the year on board a ship outside of UK waters.
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Even with your extensive skill set, you may be penalised because of the tax allowances you receive.
Lenders won’t usually understand income that is subject to seafarer earnings deductions and may ignore it entirely as a result.
We understand that seafarers live extremely busy lives, and when they do have a break they have other commitments to fulfill. At KC Mortgages we understand the struggles you may have and can help get you a competitive deal while taking all the frustration and hassle out of the process.
Our access to mortgages can be tailored to suit your financial situation and take into account your full pay structure. Our expert, professional advice will secure the best deal for you and your lifestyle, without you having to change the way you work.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.