Finding you the right deal at renewal time or raising funds.
Find out more below

There are 2 Main reasons to re mortgage
- To borrow additional funds
- To get a better mortgage deal with a new lender, normally when your current deal expires
It can be very tempting to simply renew with your current lender for ease. However, you could be missing out on a more competitive deal. We have access to exclusive rates that you would not be able to obtain online or by going direct.
Of course , we will always analyse the deals available with your existing lender and include any potential costs in the assessment however In some cases we can actually obtain a better deal with your current lender than if you were to arrange this direct. In this situation we can arrange a ‘Product Transfer’ for you .
Consultations will give you the peace of mind you are getting the right deal on the market together with expert advice and protection.
We aim to make the process as simple as possible for you taking care of the paperwork , ensuring everything happens at the right time and of course updating you along the way.
We would always recommend to get in touch with us around six months before your existing mortgage deal expires particularly if you need extra funds. You may have already had notification from your current lender with an offer, This is great and will enable us to compare to the rest of the market.
So whether you are looking to raise some additional funds or to save some money we would love to hear from you!
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.